by Jeremy Polmear
Most of the albums in the catalogue can be streamed/downloaded;
exceptions are below.
The problem with streaming etc is the lack of background information. You can now get all Oboe Classics booklets, free,
from the catalogue.
The recommended download site is Presto Music.
This link takes you to the Oboe Classics section, and includes digital albums which can also be seen at
For the rest (iTunes, Amazon digital, CD Baby, Spotify etc) you need to search the site for an
album - the artist's name usually being the most reliable.
Spotify is the only site that allows you to stream complete tracks for free, though there are Ads from time to time and on phones you have little control.
There are also Spotify playlists here; liking them helps Oboe Classics.
The World of the Oboe
The download/streaming version is shorter. Type in the full album name to avoid similar titles.
Ready Steady Blow!
The download/streaming version has 14 main tracks; the CD has 33, plus piano only tracks to play along with, and how to get the music.
Baroque Spirit
For copyright reasons this CD is not available for download/streaming.
Janet Craxton
For copyright reasons this CD is not available for download/streaming.
The art of Han de Vries
For copyright reasons only the Bach and Andriessen Concertos are available for download/streaming.